Messenger panel
With the BINGOOO Messenger you immediately send instant messages or recommended links to other BINGOOO users. The instant message will appear directly on the adressee's screen if he is online. You can contact BINGOOO users in your own local network (LAN) as well as in the whole web.
The messenger panel is called up with the command Messenger panel and is shown in the lower part of the source panel.
You can also change to the mere Messenger Mode, if you want to work with other programmes.
Structure of the Messenger panel:
The messenger's directory is divided into LAN and Internet. LAN shows you all BINGOOO users on your own local network currently online. Internet shows you which of your personal messenger contacts in the internet have currently started BINGOOO. You have to register every single member of your messenger directory by opening an account for each of them before sending instant messages. Moreover, you have to open an account for yourself.
Open a messenger account:
Before using the BINGOOO messenger you have to open your own account.
How it works:
1. Please make sure that you are online with BINGOOO. The opening of a messenger account is only possible in the online mode.
2. Open the dialogue "General options" with the command "General options" under the menu "View". Open the the register "Messenger" in the dialog.
3. In the section äAccount" you will see the default äServer" (= and äPlace" (= home). Please enter your own name in the field äuser" (e.g. äpaul.paulsen"). The ending ä" will be automatically generated by the program. Please enter your personal password in the field "Password". Please don't forget your keyword.
4. Click on the key äCreate account" in order to activate your account.
5. Verify your entries by a click on äOK".
6. The symbols (LAN and Internet) in the messenger panel should be green now. The green colour tells you that you are online.
Instead of opening the dialogue "General options" via the menu View, you can also click on the right mouse key when your mouse stands in the messenger panel. Then a context menu will be opened. Among other commands, you will find the command "Create account". You will directly open the register "Messenger". Please continue as described above.
Create contact list:
Before you can send instant messages via internet, you have to create a contact list with your personal contacts in your messenger directory. As a precondition you have to make sure that you already have a account (or create a account if necessary).
How it works:
1. Click on the right mouse button when you have moved your mouse to the messenger panel. Then click on the command "Add contact" in the appearing context menu. The dialogue "Subscribe" will be called up immediately.
2. Enter the exact of your contact in the input field. Verify your entry with "OK".
3. If your addressee is online, he will immediately get a message on his screen asking him if he agrees to be added to your contact list.
If he disagrees by clicking on "No" you will receive that information on your BINGOOO screen. In this case you can't add that person to your buddy list.
If he agrees by clicking on "Yes" you will receive the positive answer on your screen together with his query or whether you agree to be added to his contact list. As soon as you click on "Yes", your addresses will be added to your respective contact lists and you can start to communicate vie instant messages immediately. The green colour of the symbols will indicate that you are able to use the BINGOOO messenger now.
Send instant message
As a precondition you have to make sure that you are online. In order to avoid failures, please make sure that your addressee is online as well. The green colour of his symbol in your directory will tell you that he is online. Now you can send an instant message.
How it works:
1. With the mouse standing in the messenger panel directly on the addressee, you click on the right mouse button. A context menu with various commands is called up immediately.
2. Click on the command äSend instant message". The window äInstant Message" with sender and adressee already put in and an input field for your personal message will be called up. You can open that window also by a double click on your addressee.
3. Enter your personal message in the input field and click on the key "Send".
4. If your adressee is online, your message will automatically appear on his screen.
Recommend website
You can recommend a website currently shown in your browser to one of your buddies via instant message.
How it works:
1. With the mouse standing in the messenger panel you click on the right mouse button. A context menu with various commands is called up immediately.
2. Click on the command äRecommend website". The window äInstant Message" with sender and addressee already put in will be called up. In the input field you see the complete link of the website meant to be recommended.
3. If necessary you can enter a personal message in the input field. Now you can click on the key "Send".
4. Your message will be sent immediately. If your addressee has activated the option "Enable URL reception", the website recommended will pop up on his screen. If this function is deactivated your addressee will only receive your message with the link.
Option äEnable URL reception"
In the register äMessenger" of the dialogue äGeneral options" you can define if you allow a website recommended via instant message to pop up on your screen automatically or not.
How it works:
1. Open the register äMessenger" in the dialogue äGeneral options" as described above.
2. In the area äStatus", you see among others the option äenable URL reception".
3. The function is active if a tick appears in the checkbox. In this case, recommended websites will pop up automatically on your screen. You deactivate the function with a simple click on the checkbox.
Declare your status
You can let your messenger contacts know if you are currently reachable via instant message or not.
How it works:
1. With the mouse standing in the messenger panel click on the right mouse key. The context menu with various commands is called up immediately.
2. Click on the command äMy status". A window with several options to choose from will pop up immediately. The options are: online, busy, away, sleeping or chat. Your current status is marked by a black dot.
3. Click on the status you want to communicate to your contacts (e.g. "busy") so that the black dot appears before it. Your new status in your contacts' directories will be identified by the colour of your individual symbol (e.g. green symbol if your status is "online"). The status will be changed appropriately in the register "Messenger" within the dialogue "General options".
You can find further information under:
Command Messenger panel (View menu)
Register Messenger (Dialogue General options)
How to call up the messenger panel
How to create a messenger account
How to create a contact list
How to send instant messages
How to change to the Messenger-only-mode
How to send SMS from the messenger panel